The Wall at Veterans Memorial Park is one of 4 replicas of the D.C. original that went on tour so that more people could experience the monument’s beauty and power.
Two of the walls that traveled found permanent homes – ours here in Truth or Consequences, and another on the east coast.
In the years since it was installed, the condition of our replica has deteriorated due to its exposure to the elements. The surface is flaking and peeling.
The Veterans Memorial Park and the Hamilton Military Museum board members have worked over the past year to come up with a viable solution to deal with the issue. A granite version of the wall is available from the same manufacturer who made the replica that is currently in place.
The VMP Board is working to raise enough funds to procure and install this granite monument. The cost of the granite Wall is $75,000. The Park Board has raised about half that amount.
If you would like to donate toward the purchase of a permanent granite wall to be installed at the Veterans Memorial Park, please send a check to
Veterans Memorial Park
P.O. Box 473
Truth or Consequences NM 87901